took a pic while getting ready 😇
I just got chin filler and it looks fine from profile, but from the front it looks really pointy .
Closed Septorhinoplasty - Before and After 1 Year Post Op
2 weeks post op Rhinoplasty
Rahul Gogoi Assam plastic surgeon review
It’s an office fit kind of day ☺️
40 yr old 8 months post op facelift after losing 180 pounds.
1y post-op nose
2025 is all about downfall 🤣🤣
Dermat suggestions in Bangalore.
Sometimes I feel ugly bc of my wider nose. Any encouragement would be appreciated, thank you 🙏🏿
6 months post op: fat transfer to the breasts
Unhappy with nose job
Will a q switch laser at very low setting be effective without causing damage?
Kya khana khana khana
Name the Bollywood movie
Best procedure to deal with genetic double chin permanently?
Anyone else with tip swelling like this? One month post op rhinoplasty
How to make nose shorter without surgery
How to look for an excellent rhino surgeon in Iran (while in the USA)?
Scar Progression- TW blood
what is my nose type?
Best korean aesthetic rhinoplasty in India
Any suggestions for a good plastic surgeon for getting rhinoplasty in india ?