Very Left Wing Game
Cooking tacos for the first time. Ground beef question
A toilet…
Rate my cat 1-10?
You can only pick one
Release date on PS5
Do you recommend iron or optic sights?
2020 screenshot of giant figure.
3 special Ukrainian set
is ready or not coming to playstation 2?
Fuck the bitch dev who hardcoded ai teammates killing you for breaking roe
Game doesn't launch no matter what
Why the fuck don't we have this in game yet?! Byrna pepper blaster
You feeling lucky punk?
Post your absurd playtimes here.
If the next DLC map is coming up. What scenario map ideas would you want?
Can someone please remove the guy on the right?
What missions makes your stomach uncomfortable?
Americans: what is your opinion on Canadians boycotting US goods, services and tourism?
Imagine if they made a DLC or spin off game. I’m thinking 18 hours in Mogadishu maybe?
What cool game mechanic ideas do you have that would be good to use in ready or not?
Well Im done playing for tonight.
Silent Assassin
Now that is some serious level of skill
Any chance SDIF comes to Xbox?
iT’s a LUxUrY sErViCe
This is how the S rank guys did it