Men who don't have time to the gym, how do you make time for fitness?
What's something a youtuber does that instantly makes you want to click off the video?
Dear men, when was the last time someone hugged you for real?
What is your favorite show ever that isn’t one of the common favorites?
What’s something you can’t prove but are convinced is true?
People who watch videos on their phone and don't use headphones in public - why?
What to do when people hurt you? When to fight back and when to ignore?
How could we create a truly unbiased, objective news source that everyone would trust?
What is it you like about your city/town? If you were to move elsewhere, what would you look for?
Being totally honest, do you hate, or at least dislike teenagers?
Why do we need to pass stringent requirements to adopt a child, such as having a job, good home, etc., but not for creating one?
Why is Canada pulling American made products off of shelves instead of selling out and then not restocking?
Have you completely lost respect for the office for the office of the presidency?
How do you see Trump getting through the four year term? Will he face impeachment?
What's the best thing you've caught from having g subtitles on?
What are good alternatives to cafeine that last a shorter ammount of time ?
Why doesn't Putin just kill Zelensky?
If Tariffs are bad for consumers then why is Canada and other countries doing retaliatory tariffs?
Why do some people barely get mosquito bites while others get eaten alive?
Why am I getting American Right Wing stuff in my Facebook Newsfeed?
You are offered 1 Billion dollars, but if you say yes, then you will find out the exact day when you will die. Do you accept it?
(Serious) People who grew up in a small town, what is that incident everyone knows about, but no one talks about?
What's that one question that you would ask GOD (and they are bound to answer it ) ?
How important is hygiene to you?
What’s the saddest movie you ever seen?