How to get a face/object tracking to focus on my mask instead?
Since the beginning of the year I’ve been receiving these clearly fake toll reminders - but only after I’ve driven on a toll road and they’re accurate on deadline dates.
What’s your “Hear me out” Build? I’ll start…
Can someone make a PFP with these? Go crazy, as long as shy guy or his mask is used in it and I can be used as a social media PFP
What’s a skill/Supersoul that synergies amazing with UI but isn’t a skill that Ultra Instinct/-Sign- Goku uses?
Saw this by CKG, this shit kinda tuff
How do I get Nvidia Broadcast to use lower GPU’s on my camera when I open OBS?
You wouldnot believe how long it took to make this game look halfway decent
If everyone in the world wore a T-shirt with the phrase they say the most, what would yours say?
What's something a youtuber does that instantly makes you want to click off the video?
Just wondering what clothes do I need to combine to get plus five on ki, stam, strike and ki supers and basic attack
Hey, [M29]I got a hair trasplant but considering a nose job, also growing my hair longer, what can I improve to get better results in dating?
I'm tall, but my penis isn't
What's something a youtuber does that keeps you watching/Keeps your attention?
What's something a youtuber does that kills a video for you quickly?
I lived with a pedophile who had been downloading CP for at least 15 years; I knew nothing. AMA
Raid Quest: The Supersonic Warrior (Vs. Dyspo; Lite)
Which should I get? I played Monster Hunter once before but never played final fantasy
Why is the internet hate korra? I only watched the OG
Why Can’t I ever recover being sick on my own?
Bro Is it a sin to be sick?
So I watched a fight video with a dude fighting a guy, they were both black. One was saying “Fight me some more!” And ended it with “Here Comes the stapler!” Does anyone have the fight video link!
What’s something men think is attractive, but most women actually hate?