wow, it's a time knife! wow, it's a time knife! wow, it's a time knife! wow, it's a time knife! wo
Who’s in your Big Three?(tank, dps, support) here’s mine
When breaking the main character's spirit backfires horribly
Episodes about characters disconnected from the protagonists, but it’s arguably the best episode in the whole show
No one knows their real name.
Yo have only have 1 second to defend her. Go!
The absolute perfect casting
"What are your powers?" "roofies"
Henchman does surprisingly well against the main characters
Characters who sacrificed themselves by blowing themselves up (recent spoiler on the last slide)
bouta pull out 20 thousand to see what they do
Characters using their amazing abilities in mundane ways
(Personal Tropes) Movie scenes that make one cry no matter how many times one watches it
PLEASE rivals team make her invicible state pink like in her mvp screen
Whoever that was on my team a few minutes ago that called me captain piss I hope you’re happy for ruining my skin for me.
Guys, what’s the character you dream of seeing made into a 1/6 scale figure?
What do my mains say about me
How do you counter Geodude
What the fuck
Time-themed villains
Dramatic Capture Series Origins 3-Pack
Which of these games on the picture are a 100% must play in your opinion?
he cant keep getting away with it