This boss had no business being so annoying
Main games, DLCs, and Master Levels all conquered on Ultra Nightmare. Now we wait for May 15th
Anime where protagonist is one of the "monster".
what’s your guys’ least favorite area? (apart from bl****town)
How cooked is bro?
Tell me about any game of your choosing
Is doom 2016 a good first FPS experience?
will there be a dark souls 4
which one is it? 🤔
He Did It
Recently I saw a post saying Varrick is a villain, but I just didn’t see him this way. What are your thoughts on the matter?
Relatively new to the souls genre my only experience is BMW and Fallen order and I’m trying to see which would be better to start with
Which bosses unexpectedly gave you the most trouble?
Whats a game you slept on for far too long and played for the first time, to realize it amazing?
first dark souls for ps4
What are you playing this week?
What boss is this for you?
How can I get raging bolt as a violet player?
My gameplay is 50% all-out boss rush, 50% this:
The most creepy anime doll face
What's your one in a million chance story?
I can definitely see that
Animes i should watch based off what I’ve watched already?
Anime with female leads
Any love for Doom 3?