Jason Lake on Twitter: "I'm hearing it's actually very unlikely Valve uses this (Cache) officially."
SPUNJ " If we cant have a working AC, Give us 128 tick servers"
Greetings all, FMPONE here. DE_CACHE has returned to Counter-Strike 2
Head of Esport at NAVI: "We were not considering changing w0nderful"
According to OverDrive, a "big/crazy transfer" is seemingly in the works. (according to some that properly translated, this is supposed to translate to among the lines of "until the major" which basically means "before the major")
Brollan: "I always wanted to be an IGL"
In Your Opinion Will Overpass Ever Return To Pro/Premier Pool?
Why did CS2 remove blood from headshots? Fragging feels far less satisfying now without that visual impact
Buffed molotov
This is what the stage at BLAST Austin Major is supposed to look like
wonderful tweet by b1t earlier this year
bLitz trolling maj3r before match
NiKo on whether he will play until he wins a Major or continue afterward: "There is no reason for me to stop playing after winning a Major... one Major is not going to settle me"
It's funny, despite people complaining the need for new maps, and Train being in comp for months so people had time to practice, almost no one wants to play Train in Premier
kassad after Astralis' exit to GamerLegion
MAJ3R on XANTARES: "He’s had a lot of offers, but he prefers to stay with us and play for his country"
Pimp: "Replacing YEKINDAR with NertZ is EASILY the biggest upgrade any roster has made in 2025"
MP7 / Smoking kills
A Request to CS Casters
Counter-Strike 2 Update (2025-01-28)
Why there seems to be fewer young talented players from once powerful countries like Denmark, France, Sweden and the US?
This was the last kill jL had on Ancient. He went from 24-21 to 24-28.
4/5 current Faze players are in the top 20 for most clutches at big event of all time
Premier Season Two begins next week
According to Striker on what he knows about the situation, siuhy getting benched was not because he got bought out.