Did your ex blame you?
What do you think of this theory about men being intimidated by successful women?
What should single guys know about marriage?
Would you date a fat and ugly woman?
How to spot insecure men FAST in order to protect ourselves
Single in my 30s and worried. Were any women in this position at my age? Do you have any advice for me?
Delicate question: if a man says he feels powerful if his cum gets swallowed and insists that it’s not degrading, isn’t this gaslighting?
Swallowing cum - a degrading act
It’s Been Three Years And…
Would you leave them?
Is it possible to find a male hetero partner that does not have internalized misogyny and is emotionally intelligent and willing to have uncomfortable conversations without deflecting, shutting down or becoming evasive?
I found out my partner used to see escorts
Women’s contributions and success stories are being erased
Sex on the first date?
My (25f) bf (24m) yelled at me while we were intimate. Should I have talked it out?
Who will take the ferry to Athens once it starts operating?
What was something a guy said that made you think that he could be misogynistic and a potential (emotional) abuser?
This is a first, this man sent me a LONG list of requirements he has of a woman…
Real life examples of men “treating you like a queen”
Contact with avoidant ex fades away
There are great guys out there but I only want him
If you had problems in the north with corrupt people, would Cyprus authorities help you (Spanish national) or would they help them?
How many of you suspect that their ex they truly continue to love despite the breakup is still thinking of you?
healing sure ain't linear
Advice needed - how should I proceed?