Just a chill guy
Do you have to memorise all 15 poems?
To those who got mostly 9s...how many times did you repeat past papers?
Do people really get all 9s?
I about freaked out when my dad showed me his rash. Doctor last week said it’s “dry skin” but I call BS. What IS this?!
Im so drunk rn and I just had a date with the love of my life and to make matters even better I got into Durham. I love you world. Peace out
Ineffable London captured
Get a*a* a
How the hell do I find work experience?
should i study my teachers pp or from save my exams and pmt?
How do you write fast??
To all the year 11s who feel overwhelmed
Panicking about mocks (year 12)
I got 12 9s GCSE, A at AS-Level and A*A*A in A-Level: ASK ME ANYTHING SO I CAN HELP YOU TOO!
Using the New Year as motivation to continue working towards my goals
Current Year 13s, when did you start preparing for entrance exams?
Why does it feel like everyone else has A* A* A*
Supercurriculars for Oxbridge
how to deal with regret?
Bro did not want to be there💀💀💀
How many 9s r u realistically aiming for and in what?
Is mentioning a book in your personal statement necessary
Is this realistic
Simon has quite the following on tiktok.
This is actually sad