Woman spits on a girl.
Today’s my 28 birthday and I am going to end it tomorrow
You Can’t Be 'That Guy' Overnight
big bald spot at 15
Please help I’m getting bullied
I don't know who I am anymore
What can do to be better looking?
[Skin Concerns] How to get rid of textured nose/small white heads on nose??
Text Message exchange between friend and causal gf. k
Hjælp til litteraturliste socialrådgiver bachelor
My channel just can't seem to grow no matter what..
Since 2024 is coming to an end What are some of the harsh truths in life you guys have learned this year?
AIO to my “friend” who owes me money
1 upvote = 0.5 hour studying
Am i overreacting to the situation unfolding with my girlfriend?
Am I overreacting about this pick up photo?
How to aim like this(Primmie)? More specific questions in the comments.
What is one thing in our culture you want to change?
Why I gave up being an Abdi
What should i do with my hair? I have a really large forehead.
What's holding you back from self-improvement?
Life RN>>>>
Favourite Naruto character?