Is dit een rare vraag als ik aan geef dat ik vraag in tikkie betaald wilt hebben?
Did I just spawn on an enemy outpost disguised as a friendly airhead?
I fumbled the bag
Loot changes in Sakhal
Sakhal hunting scopes?
...that's awfully convenient
My 2001 118239 - bought it 24 years ago. Still quickens my heart when I see it.
Is this a safe route at night?
Mayday mayday
On a mission (official)
Art Project
2025 Coke was LEAKED!
Any Europe/UK guys wanna team up?
As a commander how do I control an awful team?
Can someone explain this to me?
What is your plan after the wipe?
Bunker run (Sakhal)
Found a car…. 2 secs later
Official xbox Sakhal
Full wipe februari 25th
I want to add another white face watch, help me decide
What was the correct play here?
I have ragequited a lot…
It went on for 5+ minutes until friendlies moved up