18k white gold dagger ring with pink sapphires
Prior access new drop
Forget politics, Apple users, why haven't you switched to an Android phone yet?
Legit check, QR code number on box doesn’t match one on foot
LC please?(Got from stock x but heard fakes pass sometimes)
Ts real?
Anyone know if these roth singles are any good?
Can someone help me find this nb I can’t find it anywhere
🚨 Got a few left🚨 Adults & Kids Sizes🔥 Shop Link in Comments
Issued refund $40, got it 3x
I dont get it peter
Weird figure that follows me
I need a quick lc on this thrift find
Really want the Bape crocs
What’s everyone’s favorite store camo?
You guys can stop defending stock x now lol. Yes, your shoes are fake
First Pair of Jordan 2s from StockX! Took a Leap of Faith and Look Legit!
Need gone I’m down to trade but I’d rather money depending on what the trade is I can ship anywhere I also have a anti social sweater if u want more pics lmk the BAPE STA and baby milo collab is kinda rare BEST PRICES
Yo can anybody send me a flic what the P*nk Black Hoodie looks like with Denim Tears Cotton Wreath Black Sweatpants?
W tier list?
1 Or 2 going into NYC this weekend called and stores have both
What’s your streak at?
Looking to borrow $10. Will repay $30 on 3/8.