What triggers your anxiety?
Cute “human” names for male cats
Best pad thai?
Crunchy liberal moms
Best place in S/SW suburbs for pizza by the slice?
Coffee shops in S/SW/W suburbs that make their syrups in-house?
Set your flair here
What do I say to people that want to pet my not-always-friendly dog?
Something no one told me about immediate postpartum is that…
Coffee shops that make their syrups in-house?
How do you drink 64 oz of water in a day??
Waterfall Glenn - entry level hike ?
DAE just sleep in you underwear, etc. vice pyjamas? Wife says I'm weird for sleeping in just my boxers but pj's just seem antiquated.
What is your favorite cracker?
List of any sitcoms regardless of ratings anything you suggest?
How do you manage holding and soothing your baby while pumping?
Recommend a show please!!
Looking for long movies to get lost in
drop one of your “on repeat” songs
Body wash or bar soap?
did you actually throw up during your pregnancy?
At how many weeks did u deliver baby for first time moms?
What suburbs do you wish would change?
What movie have you watched the most number of times?
What is the most perfect album, no bad songs