Best public figure of each quadrant day 8: Authcentre.
Best public figure of each quadrant part 7:authright (It was another tie for rightcentre, the tie breaker picked Reagan).
Fixed this sub's title and banner (what it is now).
Women have never existed. There is no war in Ba Sing Se.
what people think vs reality
Modern Democratic Elections
choose your fighter
best person of each quadrant day 6:Rightcentre (there was actually a tie for libright so I went with a tie breaker and they choose Milei).
I think you can recognize this pattern
the two groups of each quadrant that cannot get along with the other group in their quadrant.
Bored of contemporary politics, so here's a 2x2 Political Compass of the Rashidun Caliphs
So be it.
Backstory of "Chess but good" headcannon.
best public figure of each quadrant part 5: libright (I've been excited for this one).
What each value would do if they saw a random Vagabond knock on their door, and begs them for shelter
what each quadrant would do if they suddenly woke up during the civil rights act in America.
People act like they don't orchestrate things for us to fight about
Each quadrant’s favorite Latin American leader.
A username trend i noticed
The MAGA's Favorite Kink: Financial Cuckoldry
best public figure of each quadrant day 4: Libcentre (I reckon this one is gonna be difficult).
every meme here in 2025
After years of observation this sub has finally taught me the true political compass.
Best famous figure of each quadrant day 3: Libleft (MLK won by a landslide)