Tactical slither
TIFU by bird feeding water to the girl I was sleeping with
What do you think about this conversation?
Scientists mapped every neuron of an adult animal’s brain for the first time ever
AIO my girlfriend just told me I have a small penis
Finding a company that's reasonable in price
Buldak is overrated. Fight me.
Best Way to Pack these? Longest item is shower rod at just over 42in.
It was missing for 14 years and magically reappeared
AIO or is this a total breech of privacy?
AIO my husband’s friend said what I think are inappropriate things to my daughters
The fall off of sriracha
Safeway has better fried chicken then Ezells
Redditors who have spent time in prison - what were the most challenging aspects of your time in incarceration?
I’m afraid me neighbor is going to kill someone
I just dropped off an order to a house I was brought to prostitute!
What would you consider the most exciting or best way to end good sex?
AIO? Guy I slept with lied about having a vasectomy.
Coyotes in Bitter Lake
What's the most random skill you have that never fails to impress people?
Meme for Beau
What show do you watch when you can't find anything to watch?
Help me find this Mac And Cheese recipe please!
My buddy saw him again and got a front pic
AIO: Someone has tried to enter my unit multiple times and idk what to do.