A new study has found that Californian men who hold more traditional, less gender-equal beliefs are significantly more likely to report committing intimate partner violence.
Hvad er hoved grunden til at folk får så få børn (langt under 2 per par)?
Pema you homewrecker!
Study confirmed the existence of the orgasm gap. Men reported experiencing orgasms in 90% of their sexual encounters, while women reported orgasms in only 54% of their encounters. Men were 15x more likely to orgasm, and were far more satisfied, than women during partnered sex.
which scene in which movies were the most disturbing to watch as a kid?
Vi forsøgte at levere din pakke, men du var ikke hjemme. Hvilket er imponerende, eftersom vi heller ikke var der.
Is it just me, or are a lot of redhead girls drawn with their belly out?
Does anyone know of a bakery that makes New York rolls?
What's your favorite "non-official" Disney princess?
Be Brutal About Elsa
Iroh like'm young.
If Korra wasnt the avatar who in her team would be a good fit
Could this happen in real life?
Question about Dorian [HoF / QoS]
Ciri is pretty, but…
Spørgsmål til både mænd og kvinder - grænser i forhold.
Hunter Schafer Says Trump Policy Changed Gender on Her Passport: ‘I’m Never Going to Stop Being Trans’
Anyone else feel like the audiobook of HoF does Rowan a huge disservice? [NO SPOILERS]
Harry Potter absolutely BRIMMING with context
I'm sorry- HOW LONG??
American History X (2025)
I never understood this joke as a kid.
Please don’t let this all be Korra’s fault
Hunter Schafer reveals that her new passport now lists her sex as male instead of female: "No one, no matter how wealthy or white or pretty or whatever is excluded."