Was he trying to do a backflip? 😭
So cool
Pain is temporary, trauma is forever
All show no go
Big chungus 👹
She’s not going to do that anytime soon
It's so cute
Blursed nature interaction
Really scary experience. Can’t believe she had to go through that
guys is this good? I started -2 years ago
Asking for a raise
What is this country? Wrong answers only
The description said "she sprained her ankle"
Wait, What? Why?
Mama always said not to play with fire
If this monster was blocking your path, what would you do?
What's the best chocolate in the world?
What was the most insane situation that happened in your school?
How many H can you type while holding your breath?
Bones break, even on crashpads.
What was the most sexually awkward situation you have been?
Well, I never saw that on Green Acres (not that any of you are old enough to know what tv show I'm talking about!)
I wonder what was going through his head!
🌳 🐒 Dude Thought He Was Tarzan. Guess what. He ain't.