Good team Cord play?
Good cord team play?
Hesitation is defeat
I am about to jump off a building kevin gates style
A Video Form Kenji Guide (Build, Matchups, Tech & Tips)
Type "imaginary techinique: " and let your keyboard autofill it
I am bout to throw my phone in the wall i will choke slam the dev who added hockey in rotation
Kenji Hypercharge Concept (Details in Description)
F$@# It.. Kenji Hypercharge Concept (grom typa vibe but cooler) (Details in Description)
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Kenji in Legendary 1 Lobby is Cracked
What anime was this for you?
New Ranked Same Teammates (Legendary 1 Lobby Btw) What's y'all randumbs experience rn.
New Ranked Same Teammates (Legendary 1 Lobby ) What's y'all randumbs experience rn.
Big sisters and little sisters, who would you fuck first?
Gadget Icon Rework Idea (Thoughts?) READ DESCRIPTION
Hypercharge concept for Byron! Feels fitting for a support brawler that harms and heals
“Hey Mei Mei” (@NODOWDY)
Please don’t try trickshots
How do i counter gray+tank comps here?
I think ima just quit bro I can never get out of diamond ever and none of my irl friends play this game so I can only play with randoms
Bug stars back at it. I feel bad for my opponents (Legendary 1Ranked lobby)