The deluxe album cover was teased 6 months ago
This is the second time this succulent has ever flowered and I am so pleased! Does anyone know what kind of succulent this is?
Redditor writes an essay explaining why he dislikes Americans
Romania's former president calls Trump "the butcher from the White House" for deliberately weakening Ukraine's defence
I am convinced this is a bot subreddit. It only has 6 thousand members but the posts consistently get thousands of upvotes and comments. They're also all about the US despite it being about the international sphere.
Florida man wants to build 40 lane highway instead of walkable cities and public transit
Petition to bulldoze Ocala and hire Chinese Civil Engineers to build a 40 lane highway?
"Riviera Bucha" by Marian Kamensky
They now want us to pay $150 trillion in interest for the aid in the Revolutionary War
Should we ask for interest after saving their asses in WW2?
No better way to do demolition work.
Poll: for 73% of French people, the United States is no longer an ally of France.
Spring is here and today was the first watering day since last year November!
Prophetic poster of 1938
Moral Compass - Made In U$A [OC]
Germany to reach out to France and UK over sharing of nuclear weapons
No one will fall, if we stick together! (credit: nstuch120)
‘Sorry, I’m Not In A Suit’: Ahead Of Crucial Talks, Zelenskyy Makes Light Of White House Drama
Repotting my 9 year old G. pilliansi. Been in same pot for 7 years with poor soil.
How accurate is the western perception that the Chinese government heavily suppresses anti-government information and viewpoints?
Why are Chinese people so defensive when talking about China’s problems?
US ‘to cease all future military exercises in Europe’
E. Alfred/Moon Fairy
How do Chinese feel about US politicians casually calling China an enemy?
Obstructive dance in crosswalk