You live in the Beastars universe BUT your species is one native to where you live. What are you?
ok i get it she rememebered bebe as a witch but this thing has 2 brain cells how was she going to make a plot this elaborate
Choose your fighter
Alphas and Shinys. LF: Shinys. Origin doesn't matter
All are for trade except those that are ⭐️'d. Lf offers!
Favorite not confirmed but definitely autistic character?
Guys does knuckles have a catchphrase? If not, what should it be ?
how do we feel about the new art style??
Any Violet Players willing to help me evolve my Palafin + buying the armour for Ceruledge?
New Concept for a Halara Nightmare Pokemon Team.
I’m disappointed in ZA
The Character Designs In Pokémon Legends: Z-A
Sakuya Suzuka from Magia Record
Full look at the map of Lumiose City in Pokémon Legends Z-A
I have not entered a single raid since I got this research.
I Can Never Open This Game Again
v 2.54.0 Datamine Discussion
Lf: description. Ft: picture.
Has anyone cried over lost pokemon?
On one hand, that was my 4th shiny MALE Combee. On the other hand...shiny Burmy! Finally!
Hey so I made a Raincode iceberg because I love this game
And this is all i‘ve got
Favorite character who everyone agrees is autistic, despite it not being confirmed