Under a comment that someone mentioned their own disability
My mom is a surgeon
This was $4,551 😭
Don't know if it counts
Roses are red, I don't have enough time
I've been working on this animated scout cinematic for the past year, I hope you guys enjoy it!
m mnfmnfmfmf fmmfmnmnmmgmmfndjs nksnsjsndndnekekbshdjjfk rjenebebbensndjdndnnd
found these in my hotel room
Americans be like?
Occupation “Dehumanizes the Occupiers” - Israeli Holocaust Historian on Gaza and Israel
If you're been to cbt can you please explain it to me, thanks
Found this on tw
New fries?
PlayOverwatch really published this...
Songs with misheard lyrics
This product name seems highly inappropriate, and I'm not sure why I got this ad.
Shout out to X-men 97 for promoting Sunspot and Forge into the main cast
Coaxed into pissing
Which videogame lines are so famous that most gamers would instantly recognize them?
Fuck this guy.
Things about to go boo-
What am I looking at here?
AIO For being upset at my husband for ripping out MY bathroom
How do I report these assholes?