Fall grads—what did you do in the 9 months before law school
Turned away at exam
Why doesn’t LSAC release the score immediately after the exams are finished
What do you guys do with your tutor?
Best cheap eats to eat around the UCLA area?
Can someone identify this place? Is it a real building?
Omg I'm so nervous, it's my first day >.<
Drop your favorite quotes made by your professors
Which Japanese names are actually dated and/or weird for a young adult to have by todays standards? Especially ones that are commonly (mis)used in American media?
Update on Matt Harris
Cogitatum/Cogitationes in Husserl's Cartesian Meditations
19p wasn’t enough - time to eat random ucla lawn shrooms
Hello beautiful Bruins, drop your skincare tips and routine. Trying to up my game
Ucsd subreddit starter pack
The Carnot battleship was one of the first battleships built in France at the end of the 19th century in response to the expansion of the Royal Navy and the German Navy. (1800 x 1054)
To all skateboarders that rode to class this morning, RIP your bearings
tf is epicuria feeding us 💀
Russia is being nicknamed the “Weak Goose” on Chinese social media.
Ayo?? 🤨🤨
slow walkers
best places on campus to have an existential crisis?
Phenomenology or solipsism or apriorism
Biggest college mistake
I play civ casually