What's the funniest or most trivial thing someone was completely focused on while you were dealing with a much more serious situation?
Drugs investigation advice
Mega work by all officers involved but it’s becoming an almost everyday occurrence.
Teenager steals motorbike, crashes it in busy town centre after failing to stop, nearly takes out 2 children. Let down by the absolutely poor sentencing once again.
Do we need a new necessity added to PACE 'to prevent further offences'?
Best unknown courses?
Telegraph | Meme to muscle – it’s time for a police glow-up
Sam Kerr Not Guilty
5 days of additional service
Bad Character - Interviews
The throw out every excuse for my crappy behaviour defence.
Weirdest excuse someone gave to avoid trouble?
Chelsea footballer Sam Kerr called Met Police officer 'stupid and white', trial hears
Extra £100m funding announced as police warn of cuts
Essex Police set to make 99 PCSOs and other staff redundant due to major funding shortfall - Essex Live
Oooh, bit lazy innit? Haven't they got an A to Z?
Karl’s best ever story ?
NIE result day - Good luck!
No Comment Interviews...
Axon BWV - V4
Met payslip
Zoe Ball quits Radio 2
Police chief calls for biggest shake-up of England and Wales policing since 1960s | The Guardian
Tips and Tricks of the Trade
November NIE exam