How am I doing?
Fiance & My Father Don't Get Along
Ambient Temp Potato vs Chuck Roast
Seasoned Quail Hunter, First Dove Hunt - Texas
Brisket came out dry
Is this a good deal?
Do I need a cover?
Substitute Demerara Syrup for Demerara Rum?
What do you like to do around here?
Selling GPUs
How strict is parking enforcement at public boat ramps on Lake Tuscaloosa?
Spiffy Strand Hunter - Please Help w/ Naming This
PLEASE HELP: M.2 Disable Sata 1, Will This Effect my Data?
Selling ASUS ROG Strix AMD Radeon RX 6600 XT
Help finding a rod
University of Alabama Executive Education for Business Cyber Security
First Time Post with Caliban's Hand.... 1 or 2?
on re heating brisket
Traeger vs Pit Boss