What should my next article/narrative be?
If you are interested in following the development of 'To Skies Unknown!: Harling's Dream', join my Discord server! Share your art, discuss lore, and have fun!
(TSU!:HD) 2020 Osean Federation Election Results
"Take my breath awayyyyyy!"
Cossette has dessert for you! Enjoy!
Yeah, they're in a real swear right now. (Andersen - 60.5%, McAfee - 39.2%)
The choice is yours, fellow pilots.....
Theoratically i COULD DO it.....
(TSU!:HD) Here's a JibJab parody of the 2020 Osean election! If anyone can write lyrics, feel free to share them!
(TSU!:HD) McAfee's Impeachment Trial and Verdict - Election results coming soon!
Rosa Cossette D'Elise ('To Skies Unknown!: Harling's Dream')
Rosa Cossette D'Elise ('To Skies Unknown!: Harling's Dream') (Character card)
This is what cost McAfee reelection against Anderson. OBC article coming soon.
2020 Osean Election Campaign Posters!
If you guys won the lottery what plane would you buy?
Now, before I reveal the October Surprise of the 2020 Osean Presidential election, I just wanted to see what you guys are thinking right now. If you were voting in Osea in 2020, who would you vote for?
'To Skies Unknown: Harling's Dream' - The 2020 Osean President Election Intro (OBC)
Since 'To Skies Unknown: Harling's Dream' lasts from 2019 to the present day, here's The Aurelian Morning Post on a fatal day.
Erusean pilot singing for Rosa Cossette be like:
Rafale jets escorting the European masterpiece that is the Ariane 6 during its launch yesterday
Ukrainian mirage shooting down KH-101 cruise missile
Here's the corrected speech from Cossette. I accidentally left in a paragraph from the 2019 speech. Apologies.
I like doing Lore, and non-canon stuff, Should i continue the Non-Cannon Lore or not?
Is 'To Skies Unknown!: Harling's Dream' a good title for my post-AC7 project?
It's the last day of February, so here's a late Valentine's Day gift. Spread the love!