Fuck favorite characters, what character do you want to die
Favorite badass dad?
Favorite character who's a super hero?
What happened to embear
Just made a new character what should I name it?
Favorite character(s) that you find hilarious, yet they make you incredibly uncomfortable.
Favorite laugh in any media?
Why is LeBron wanted by Man is he sexy?
It’s true
Do I look like schlatt?
You are reincarnated as your favorite character? How would it go?
Just made a new character, what should I name him?
what is everyones favorite villager?
I found him
Don't worry guys, I brought him back
What game did you think bro played?
Making LEGO Jschlatt
I found lego schlatt
Who's death was more tragic?
Make the comments look like it's 2002 and the first tobey maguire spiderman movie just came out.
Favorite character who just runs on pure spite?
Favorite character with a big nose?