Is a flute hard to learn?
Vivify Installation
Low notes trouble 🙏🏻
A survey
accidentally drilled a hole through my finger yesterday(didn't hurt)
Vibration not enough
Kindle is my boss in reading
A Symbol drawn on a mirror in the Hospital NICU bathroom
My parents took away my kindle 😭😭
I’m not sure how to do this
What is the 0D modifier and how do I get rid of it?
Am I the only one who prefers the base colors?
Is the circled red note supposed go be a B natural or a B flat?
I really wish the Bobs would stop 'Squirting'
Rate my flute playing
Not my post. Wasn’t frostbite a skin? Or am I misremembering?
“Cool” Axe
I'm fucked
Rental flute lip plate has chip
Tell me what your favorite game
Flute progress week 3
VR Chat is Perfect for Architectural Presentation. I Decided.
Rate my flute playing.
What is it
I got every single one and somehow only got a C rank 😭