21 M, 5’9, 166lbs & Natural. Do you guys agree with these ratings?
what do i need to work on?
21 M, 5’9, 166lbs & Natty
Rate My physique?
Been working out at home since September... slowly getting stronger and more defined
23M, 5’9, 210lbs
8.4 body fat
Tell me what u think
Just curious about my physique and where I stand
20 6’0 165 how do I gain more weight
What would yall rate this six pack
Bf % 24M 190
F/35/5’3 [175+lbs>135=40] (24 months) calorie cut, HIIT, and recently weights.
F/31/5’4” [148lbs > 147lbs = 1 lb lost] (2 years) Consistency, CrossFit, jogging, and lifting.
24F Do I need to cut more or just continue to spam ab workouts?
21 M, 5’9, 166 (Before and After Lunch)
160lbs 6ft
18 2 months into gym
How my back?
Stopped working out for like 6 months could I still return?
Got my physique rated from this app. Would you guys say it’s accurate?
What do you think?
20 should I bulk?
Body Fat%?
What can I improve on?