[TOMT][Music] A song that sounds extremely similar to Post Malone’s new song.
Is rank OK to play atm?
I talk about spaghetti noodle portions while playing Junkenstein’s Revenge, because that makes sense and all.
Self-Promotion Tuesday - October 09, 2018
I'm disappointed with the Halloween event after the teasers
Parkour Atlas | Boston Dynamics
Tenacious D Gets Rocked By Spicy Wings | Hot Ones
What is something you enjoyed, after previously believing you wouldn't like it?
Natural remedies for anxiety and your experiences with such.
I need Ralph in my life too ...
I did it :D
My friends' "save the date" for their wedding
Guess what was at target...
Practice Range 2.0
Does anyone else get motion sickness from Spider-Man or am I just uniquely lame? Also I don't think i've ever said uniquely lame before which in immediate hindsight just adds a whole additional level to being lame.
[Video] I like parties. I like fun. I want to live in a Spider-Man bun. Wow that definitely sounds weird but I don't want to backspace now...it's too late now! I should probably stop writing now.
I like parties. I like fun. I want to live in a Spider-Man bun. Wow that definitely sounds weird but I don't want to backspace now...it's too late now! I should probably stop writing now.
I accidentally rented the new Spider-Man game for over a week and these are the results of me being an A+ adult and neglecting to return it sooner.