Double Agent
Miller Precision coming out w/ a 2011
The Vudoo Priest
Just picked up the new Kimber 2k11 range model🔥🔥
Cheely grip ordered!
MP5K Clone (Zenith ZF5P) decked out. Just waiting on my PTR Vent 2 to be released from ATF Jail.
Not bad.
Nighthawk / Agency Arms Double Agent
LGS surprise find
Can anyone recommend any bible verses when you are feeling lonely 😞?
Just picked up my first 2011
Thoughts on the size of this gap?
Old gun, new coat
Anyone else in love with the Bul Armory EDC Pro?
Atlas Titan Threaded Barrel?
Wednesday carry
Staccato XC
New Sandhawk
First one
Which one are you picking?
Bul Tac 4.25
New KOVERT X RCD 4.6" Ported Silver
Battlehawk Armory Shipping