Why did you remove my post mods?
(Loved trope) when a character is possessed/controlled by another character, and instead of having the voice edited over theirs, the actor does a (pretty great) impression of the character.
The "Crowns of the World" instant unlock bonus for Chapter IV includes headgear for a Timurid Emir and Timurid Princess, might we expect Tamerlane being added as a conqueror in a similar way as the Seljuks?
What album or song would you recommend to someone who "likes everything"?
Teaser 5: "*A warlord rising from the steppe, forging a vast empire from the wealth of his conquests...*"
Teaser 3: "With nobles gathered in silent reverence, the crown settles upon my brow and seals my destiny by sacred rite..."
Looks like Chapter 4 is about to be officially announced.
reglé serpent
2 Swag 2 Dump
Pieces Of Media So Poor, Fans Pretend They Don’t Exist / Aren’t Canon
Average geomtry dash community moment
I want to change my contract so I can have Title revocation protected. But no matter what combination I do, I can’t change it. It says I need equal changes but I think is what I did is equal
he aint even know who kendrick is 💔💔💔
A valentine's day Playlist
NonCredible vintage: President Bush on how to achieve Middle East peace (Eretz Nehederet, 2008).
Chat is he cooking?
r/asklatinamerica discusses a possible US invasion of Panama and Russia's military prowess.
"Even Hitler had some nice paintings." r/GamingLeaksandRumours has a debate about cancel culture and separating art from the artist
Media in Mongolian
User posts "feel good" content to r/mademesmile featuring child neglect / child abuse, causing commentors to call out OP and the often secretive and dark manipulative nature of the subreddit.
Words getting too long after derivation
Does anyone have any lore on this "Barman"?
surrounded by rules
Can everyone share songs that they think are legit perfect? That really get on your feels? Want to add them to my playlist.
coaxed into racing to make fun of innocous posts on main sub