Day 2 of trying to get a comment from every city
27M. Genuinely curious what assumptions can be made about me based on my home
Band name made of two(or more) other band names. I.e. "Korn Bread" or "Car Doors".
Pick a Number 1-100
Looking for odd/strange/weird/quirky songs that are still good songs.
Looking for a comedy series that makes me burst out laughing.
Suzanne Somers was my first celebrity crush- who was yours?
It's been 10 years and people still call and text me looking for a guy named Dennis
Family started a weekly movie night and I don’t know what to pick
I want some lesser known rock music - female lead
Suggest a song to cover
Popular Songs You Had No Idea Were Covers
Looking for songs that involve dark themes such as stalking.
Recommend me Club anthems of all times !! Take me to those old times !!
Downtown Parking Tips
Drug charge / help
Songs with really emotional screaming
music recommendations for dealing with a break-up?
Scary/Creepy sounding songs of artists/bands
I’m looking for songs that start off slow…
What song is playing?
Pick a number between 1-6796, I'll recommend you a song from my music list :D
Non-USA, non-British accents?
Songs About Dolls