differentiation by first principles on steroids
Give me good horror movie recommendations 🙏
Planetarium (Go!) is better than S/C/A/R/W/C/R/O/W
Songs with dark lyrics but a bop
Songs where the title of it doesn’t appear at all in the lyrics
Songs with clapping in them
I have insomnia!
Songs with / in their names
Name an album and I’ll give you my favorite(s) and least favorite songs!
I just finished BBT. Any other recommendation.
Songs that tell a story
Songs that are questions
Songs with “me” in the title
Is raj useless in group projects
& (and) - best songs with & or and in the title (not the featured artists)
What are youre favorite bass lines?
The results are in! Vote for Joes best quote
songs with no vowels in them
Should we make the y word illegal?
Something similar/on par to IT Crowd?
peep show alphabet is complete
peep show alphabet final day
what’s y?