The one-eyed pilot of Old Bessie and badass fighter in Futurama, Leela, has won for L, who’s the greatest female cartoon character whose name start with M?
What is your headcannon on who ∆iden is and why does she becomes a killer?
After all these years I find out the original is… boring
Failed artstyle recreation attempt
Rant about haslabs liokaiser
Is there anything you'd like to change about the characters' designs?
Thoughts about HIM from power puff girls
What's that Death Battle argument that you will never agree with?
Tell me your favourite fpe character and oliver will see if your allowed in.
I’m a bit out of the loop. Why is Kratos Vs Asura so divisive?
Who was this for you?
The teenage secret spy agent Kim Possible has won for K, who’s the greatest female cartoon character whose name start with L?
Death Battle has many iconic lines but from your point of view which is the most iconic one? If there are enough I could even make a tournament out of them
What was a Katieverse / FPE character that reminded you of someone?
Which community of a DB series gets the most pissy if the combatant from their series loses
Why is man red? Is he stupid?
If there is an officer balls, could there be a lieutenant dick?
What’s the first DB you’ve ever watched?
Why do people hate these so much?
If you were to create or find cast members for an FPE show, what voice actors would you hire?
She’s not bad she’s just drawn that way. the seductive wife of Roger Rabbit, Jessica Rabbit has won for J, who’s the greatest female cartoon character whose name start with K?
Remember Mogg? What happened to him? Was he actually eaten?
Are you pro or anti-AI?
Is julie Andrews still alive?