How many months/weeks/days until you get to see your person?
Lap dance
I hate my boyfriends best (female)friend
I hate my boyfriends best (female) friend
I hate my boyfriend’s (24M) best friend (24F).
1 (23 F) like this guy (23 M) but my family doesn’t approve. What should I do?
How is Vita Copper tower accomodation?
I broke up with him but not sure if I made the right decision
I (23 F) like this guy (23 M) but my mom told me not to date him. What should I do?
I (23/F) was in a situationship (23/M) in the last 8 months and I cheated on him. What should I do to make it?
Offer for MSc in Strategic Marketing at Imperial College Business School
Results thread - best of luck all
I (f23) and he (m23) were friends and started speaking a lot, we hooked up and now he wants to stop talking so should I stop talking to him completely and meeting him or should I try to be normal?
M22 is talking to me (F22) but I am unsure if he likes me or what? Please tell me if I should stop talking to him because he is wasting my time
I 23F is talking to 23M a lot and he told me he likes me but slept with someone else. Should I stop talking to him completely?
23M told me he likes me 23F and sleeps with someone a week later.
We are not exclusive but he slept with someone
Should I redo previous exams or finish new one
SBR, AFM or SBL ! Which exam should I give in December?
Did anyone finish sbr, how was it?
Sbr in 1 week
Sbr question practice
Sbr exam questions approach
Sbr study tips