Female astrologers
My personal library
Logotherapy and a bedridden old person.
Do you need to have at least 1000 followers in Instagram to be an ENFP?
All of my siblings have the same moon sign
AITA for not agreeing to a name change for my daughter, despite her father wanting one?
The slow loris is a nocturnal primate that has forward-facing eyes. Lorises are small to medium-sized primates which range in weight from 0.22 ib to 4,62 lb. They diverged from their closest cousins, the African bushbabies (40 million years ago).
First year was like
Just me? or....
How to tell my boss I don't want a promotion?
Air grand trine
North Node in 6th house
Hey guys
How many chairs at a 48” round kitchen table?
I want to change my major
What’s the difference between interior design and architecture?
It’s my cake day! Here’s a pretty flower to promote mental health awareness ☺️
Do any other ENFPs have trouble feeling "normal" for a few days after watching a good movie/ series?
Do you talk to yourself too?
Experimenting with more colors than usual—aiming for pastel and abstract
What is your hardest placement? Or the one that has affected you the most? Write it down and I’ll try to show you the ‘good’ side. Let’s try uplifting each other 💖
Have you found your Ikigai yet, my fellow ENFPs? :) If not, do you need help to start? Are you ok?
Kibbe x MBTI - Based on the "vibe" kibbe types and their outfits give off. Any mbti nerds out there ? Anyway feel free to debate !