Turned down a girl over her physique
Passed the 66 yesterday
TIFU up by mentioning slavery at work
do I have good insertions?
20M 6’5 130->160 2.5ish years
Shredded life
Practice Scores Exam 2/19
Failed - Got a 67
Question help!
Looking for suggestions and help
Looking for a good bike to grow on!
License disqualification?
Is there anybody like Derek does has quality content on skin and hair care?
First HCG shot yesterday. Red spot today + soreness when I press on the area. Infected?
Passed first try!
How to determine breakdown
What do i do!?
Maximum Gift Tax
Back to back 68% (2nd attempt)
What Vendor has the best Practice Tests?
Taking the Series 7 in 2 days. Main topics covered?
Pazzed first try like a G!
Passed the S7 today!!