Game Pass users
Unfortunate glitch
Post got Taken Down, Apparently they don't like when you show proof. so here it is no cronus
Why is Proof not allowed?
HeS On Mnk! ThAtS ImPoSsIBlE oN cOnTrOlLeR!! hEs ChEaTiNg! (no game audio not sure why )
Can you tell them how you did that with a controller sir?
Is this cheating? Pinging and calling out enemies with every shot.
Team kill and banning
I got banned...worth it
What controller do you use
Is cheating really that bad?
Not accusing this person, but this looked sus.
When you and your teammate are in tune there is no better feeling
How are players doing the wiggle?
Little squad wipe for the dinner
How to properly use enemy BRDM
Sweaty Hands
Almost got away but got hit with the quick scope
it was a very good xmas day indeed.
How do I make crouch right stick and lean right b?! Please help!
PUBG is a gamble for me
Everyone's first rugs look amazing! But...
new to the game
how to make it out of Pecado arena
Another quickscope