Customizing/ Making BJD as beginner
Who do you write to when journaling?
Best ink color for beige colored paper?
People worship long hour study too much
Why is everybody obsessed with studying for so long
Navigating visual journaling on paper that does not support paint.
Twsbi Eco burping
On TikTok this morning…
How do you guys write without feeling like you're being fake/performative?
Using real hair on blindbox bjd?
What's your favorite Shadow High doll?
What do you journal about?
Why don’t people custom Barbie doll?
Custom Jinafire G3 Faceup
My opinion on Gen 3 Catty Noir
Is it okay for parents to install camera in adult children studio apartment ?
Hair Wefts or Reroot Hair?
HELP with repainting doll body
shh...they're being gay 🩵
Second pass of designing my doll. Still need help
Help me designing a doll
Finally "FIX" her !