If Cross was Canon to the Pokémon Anime, Here's what his team would be.
Bee has great plot
What If Blitzo Stayed at the Hazbin Hotel?
Pokémon: Episode Gold & Silver Dub - Ash Vs. Gary Part 1 (w/ Japanese BGM)
If Gardevoir was A Playable Fighter in Smash 6, What Moveset would she have?
What If Liko Take on the Gym Challenge?
If you were to Rewrite Helluva Boss, What something in the rewrite you wish you change? Or didn't change?
Pokémon: Advanced Generations - Ash Returns to His Home (English Dub w/ Japanese Original BGM)
What If Ash Ketchum Had Won Every Pokémon League Conference?
What Would If Pokémon Anime Series Got a Next Generation?
What If Ash Was In Pokémon Horizons?
What if Ash Left After the Orange Islands: The Unova Saga
How would you Rewrite The Kanto Saga? And What something in the rewrite you wish you change?
What If The Johto Saga were Focus on the Three Main Protagonist?
What If The Sinnoh Saga were Focus on the Three Main Protagonist?
How would you Rewrite Ash's Rivals in Kanto? And What something in the rewrite you wish you change?
I Can’t wait to go back to Kalos! Art by (@_TASOfficial_)
Here are Four Potential Paths for Smash 6, Who would you pick?
Pokémon: Best Wishes - Adventures in Unova - Episode N Opening
Pokémon Day is THIS WEEK! What are your predications 👀
If Waluigi was aplayable in Smash 6, What would his Final Smash Be?
If Cross was Canon to the Pokemon Anime Series, What would his Story be?
Pokémon Horizons Season 2 - The Search for Laqua Opening | English Version (Unofficial)
Pokémon: Pocket Monsters - Opening 1 (Unofficial English Version) Sung by Megami33
Would you guys imagine if these three ever met with there partner starter?