Anyone else hope we get a fight like this between Sonic and MetaI Sonic in Sonic 4?
What are you guys theories and speculations on this Eggman in the official concept art? Is he from the future? Will this be in Sonic 4?
Question, why does Metal Overlord call Shadow a fake hedgehog?
Who would win in a fight?
Could it be said that lego batman was in a bad mental state during Arkham City?
Bruh again🤦
Found this video in TikTok, and can someone explain what’s even going on?
Could it be said that Bruce was in a bad mental state during the events of Arkham Knight
Question, do you think Shadow being in a bad and unhealthy mental state had an impact on his fight with Sonic?
Holy shit, is this a foreshadow?
Imagine this but a Smasher
Do you guys still think this will happen?
Question, what season would you guys say Barry truly became THE Flash?
Is it true that Wanda didn’t actually become the Scarlet Witch till Multiverse of Madness?
Hot take: Sonic 2 had a better plot than Sonic 3, and Sonic 3 was very fast paced
I think some people forget one crazy thing happened to MCU Spiderman that literally happened to NO other spiderman that exists, MCU Spiderman had his identity revealed
How does the trophy system even work
Question, at what point in the timeline would you say Sonic was in his prime? Which game?
I think some people tend to forget that Thor was legit the only one who was able to take down a full powered Thanos with all 6 infinity stones, this scene was so badass btw
Do you guys think this may happen to Insomniac Spiderman in SM3?
What do you think he’s having for dinner?