LR potential Vegeta
Nah Fuck this boring movie
Guys I have a problem
Communication error
i'm making mac and cheese and nobody can stop me! But Dokkan Battle. (+ Italian Version) [WARING EARRAPE!!!]
Some of my best pulls
I have a problem
Guys,I have a problem
Guys I have a problem with JP Dokkan
I Can't Believe, Throughout All The Super Hero Celebrations, They Left Out My Boy Gamma 3.
At least this one CAN transform.
Like last year,I took surveys on the best TUR,LR,...
Merry Christmas
How do you transfer the files from the normal version to the ldn version?Do I open it normally?
Carte della Lore? NAH! Meglio le Cerbero Summon! [PARTE 3]
Standing here...
Ho fatto un sondaggio sul Best TUR,LR e altro del 2021 sia Glb che Jp
I made a survey on Best 2021 TUR,LR,etc Both Glb and Jp
#DokkanBattle [Unit Showcase]. In this Unit Showcase we will talk about the Rare summon released along with Agl Trunks:Heart Virus Goku. We analyze the various factors:
In italiano rende molto meglio :)
#DokkanBattle [Unit Showcase]. In this Unit Showcase we will talk about the DFE recently released in Jap:Agl Transforming Trunks Let's analyze the various factors