Look how they massacred my boy.
Gotta gush about this map
Finally completed the vanilla campaign!
Some quick and dirty gamma falcons for a BOT game at some point this year.
Recently picked these up. I was annoyed about missing the kickstarter.
Is it true that you can not get a 15 to 30 year fixed rate mortgage? What happens when the rates go up?
What's the most stupid thing you've ever seen on a local Facebook page?
“Soccer” couldn’t even dream of something like this
"[Bernie Sanders]'d be on the far left basically anywhere in Europe."
Slovak Avia B534s got the bounce on Soviet I16s in Bag The Hun
Question about alpha strike issues in IGOUGO game design
What heated goods (blanket, throw, socks) are you using in this cold spell?
M1 Carbine in US forces
What’s the strangest thing you’ve seen in London?
Empire pre orders
How do I respond and counter my boomer family who say it was just as difficult to buy a house when they did, as it is today?
What would a thematic(ish) Stirland army look like?
Forgotten technology: gw can't remember how to draw guys in armour...
Are there any words in other English dialects (British, Irish, Australian, Canadian etc) that you prefer/make more sense to you than the American English word?
“How about Ireland starts paying for their membership in NATO”
Created this Py+MySQL program for my High School Project. Need Help & Suggestions as a beginner.
Any advice to fix this building blunder?
Unreleased? High Elf on auction?
Tf2-ish piat gunner, still needs paint
Looking for a nerdy shop!