Which match do yall believe is worse?
Charlotte Hogan strikes again!
Now that it’s ended i think we can all agree Nakamura had one of the worst title reigns ever
According to kayfabe, what is the most powerful wrestling move?
King Duukuu would be no joke
Is Squirrel Girl really a "low skill" hero?
Where the hell are they?
"Jey can't wrestle" then what is this?😭
Which power scalers are most annoying?
Lets go her returned got announced
Name one superhero who can beat this guy in his prime
What Movie That Everyone Love Except For You?
Equal stats, who wins?
When SO first came out it was sold out everywhere. What caused the decline in popularity?
Pc build of my dreams
Would be great for MK no?
A dude with a knife, a character already in game, 2 cünty robots, rambo 2.0, terminator 2.0, and no jade.
Vegeta and Nappa face off against Omni Man
In order who is the strongest out of these 3?