A Frenchman takes his first sip of Coca-Cola in 1950. And judging by his expression, it wasn’t love at first taste.
NA Witches pepeLaugh
100% skill
Destroy all bajs
A Soviet soldier with a Mosin–Nagant sniper rifle in a parade in Moscow circa. 1940.
Try post mouth/moustache and let we all guess who is it
2 New codes
@bajs Merry (belated) Christmas FeelsOkayMan
Beside Pilgrim, Over-spec Nikke is NOT included in High-Quality Mold (for now)
December 2024 Emote Raffle
My colleagues are bajs
[Screenshot] What the quest says and what it actually means.
forsenE ?
Paris and Lyon from 1896 (with color)
Average lonely bajs LULE
Tell me why..
what's your excuses bajs?
What's our excuse bajs?
Good choice
House for sale 🤣. Land prices skyrocketed. The old owner is not willing to pay installments. Had to sell. If you notice there is FOR SALE near the front of the house.