Why hasn't Kit been disabled until the cheating issue is resolved?
Holy this stream is laggy
Gus needs projectile width and damage nerf!
What’s got you doing this to your randoms
Best content creator educationally for brawl stars
Stop saving your ults for the next game.
It's refreshing to see Supercell releasing balanced brawlers instead of making the game p2w for a week.
1 bun for everyone
After landing from a hypercharged super Mico isn’t able to attack for a while
Anyone of y'all Struggled? Played with a team won every match lol. What Bralwers Did Y'all use. Mine are down below
Ranked Rework/Update Video
Ancient side hustle
Draft < Mechanics pt 2
Just play 2 matches simultaneously with last ticket
This game needs a good tutorial for ranked
Thank you Zupercell
I think I'm gonna cry
Would Sam be better if he had double traits (Charged ult & Charges ult over time)
We should lose less points if we have griefers or afk players in ranked.
Why do I have to lose points when I have afk or griefer teammates in ranked
Chuck Hypercharge concept
Should hitting a wall drop Gus's ghost?
This map has no place in ranked. It is time for it's to retire.
I was falsely banned, does anyone have any experience with this or information that could help? (86k+ trophy, alien fame)
Which 8-bit color variant looks the best¿