Hymns In Dissonance, the 9th studio album by Whitechapel is out. What do you guys think of it.
melancholic, crushing sounding metal?
Going to my first extreme metal concert, any advice??
The intel guy is sus
Songs get cut off
How do you guys put your boyz away?
Not a fan of folk black metal generally but oh my god this album is incredible
Show me you alternate WE colour schemes!
Kennt ihr jemanden, oder seid ihr selbst verbittert? Wie äußert sich das?
Al Snow says Jon Moxley, Edge, Mercedes Mone, and Saraya have all lost their shine in AEW
Was würdet ihr heute eurem Pubertäts-Ich sagen?
Why can't I find any Acid Bath songs online?
Habe die Sockenpuppen Auslauf gehabt?
Pls help me find this hoodie
confusing / ‘what the fuck is going on?’ album covers?
Unironically wondering what yall think of paradise lost.
LIEBE Darum sind feste Beziehungen für Männer wichtiger als für Frauen
So it begins...
One of the best songs of all time
New to the game what are your thoughts on huntress?
Wie alt wart ihr bei eurem ersten Kind?
Es könnte so ein nettes kleines Gässchen sein, wenn das ganze Graffiti nicht wäre...
So are these guy Space Marines with no power armor?
I’m quite proud of this paint job, much different from what I normally do
Despite having a bright room, I think my models are too dark - any advise?
Was ist euer Minderwertigskeitskomplex?