Flostam vale.. how do i open the switch or the electric door
What to do with 200,000 micro plastics
Help in frost punk survival (new home)
mods for better farming-caves-mobs
A mod for continuous textures? "[Java]"
How I died in hardcore
How do I do these challenges?
How to add a persona in a group chat?
how do i take care of buddy here?
Duality of a man
What are some things you hate in bot intros?
Completing the game seems overwhelming
We need a hitman Easter egg in the upcoming 007 game
Me in the untouchable mission
Hitman 3 Ending was amazing
Just finished hitman 3 and now i realised i have played each game in the franchise...
New game ideas
Do you feel the death of this character was rushed?
In your opinion what defines a master hitman player?
SA/SO on master is psychological torture
Cannot install the heritage UI Mod
Solution for unarc.dll 13
Have you kept your -do not kill anyone- streak after they betrayed corvo or you just gone full massacre?
It seems like Agent 47 is gonna be the villain of the new Superman movie
How 47 have so much place in his pockets?