I am 24 and I've just went from 25k a year to 36k a year and I don't really know what to do with the extra money.
Thinking of offering part-time gig to retiree
What cheap purchase has improved your life massively?
Why do Sikhs have such a great reputation in the UK?
If you died and met the Christian God you once believed in, what would you ask him?
Why haven’t we decided what bi-weekly/monthly etc means.
Got a second job. They’re asking about my notice period.
Im confused about Taylor
Got the job offer....buy the salary is less than discussed and advertised
My Discovery of Yaldabaoth: Why Gnosticism Makes More Sense Than Christianity
headband on airpod max seems a bit loose. i bought it used for $160 im just wondering if its possible to tighten it up again…(although im doubting it)
I declined a job offer and they are urging me to reconsider. Should I?
Lied to in EE store and roped into awful contract
Have you ever had a job that said, 'they'd keep your CV on file' and actually call back? I've had it happen ONCE in over ten years
Turns out I was not seeing angels and demons, I simply needed an antipsychotic
Struggling to Get Interviews for Reception Jobs in the UK—Any Advice?
How do you feel about in work relationships?
I grew up christian, left the religion... what or who do I follow now?
Another follow up
Jesus fucks christ what the fuck is this
Could I live off the interest of £150,000...
Caught lying on CV, what will the repercussion be?
Moving to London without a job lined up
What’s with the holy snake oil?
Follow up on returns abuse.