This retcon makes about what? 40 years of characterization a huge lie?(x-men blue)(your thoughts on this retcon?)
Why didn't the Homunculi just kill Barry's body?
Which one was more interesting to you?
4-koma panel presented without context
Which is the best nightcrawler fit
Would it be out of character for Kurt if he cuts mystique and destiny out of his life? Considering time and time again they proven to be toxic toxic parents to him
What mutants deserve to get their powers neutralized
To quote Beyoncé "Flip-Flop flippy flopping ass b***c" (From Uncanny X-Men vol 6 #11)
Honestly I'm tired of Professor Xavier being an asshole. I just want him back to being the wise mentor to the x-men
If you had an option to change the origin of any X-men character who would it be and what would be their new origin story?
Who Would You Prefer To See Colossus With?
I mean ... He Is not wrong
Eliminate a Magneto day 3: the canadian nazi cannibal is finally out
Say the line, Bart…
Fullmetal Alchemist Zombie Apocalypse: Who is the bait?
Yeah they deserve to lose their country for being this dumb
I think Edward had it worst
We can all agree that the only reason why the superhero community came to the wedding between these two scumbags is mostly due to how much they genuinely like Kurt
I feel many people forget that magneto killing quicksilver is what triggered Wanda to carry out the Decimation.
What happened to Irene? These images are suppose to be about 12 in-universe years apart.
Do you think Ed and Al ever told anyone how the complete resurrection of the latter was accomplished?
Why is Magneto willing to tolerate Mr. Sinister's presence, considering that Sinister was a Nazi?
Graydon Creed Says hello
Shadowcat and Colossus
Storm absolutely baffled that T'Challa would oppose the groundless arrest of an innocent black teenager